Message from the Board
February 16, 2024
To the members and friends of EGC:
Spring time is right around the corner and Edwardsville Gun Club will soon be seeing a lot of activity.
Volunteer Corner
High School trap eagues will begin Feb. 27 and run through May 8. There is a need for volunteers to help during the season for Tuesday practices and Wednesday league nights. If you can help with the bar, counter, scoring or other activities please email us at and provide your dates of availability.
RSO Volunteer Opportunity
Range Safety Officer Training is scheduled for April 6. This is a great opportunity to learn more about firearm safety, get certified as a Range Safety Officer and volunteer to help keep the range open during operational hours. A sign-up sheetis available at the club to reserve your slot.
Gun of the Month
Did you know Edwardsville Gun Club always has a gun up for raffle? Although called the "gun of the month," the winner is drawn when 100 tickets are sold at $10 each. Our current gun of the month is perfect for hunters in Illinois. It is a stainless steel CVA Scout 450 Bushmaster single shot rifle. Stop in at the club during any operating hours and get your ticket today before they are all sold out.
Spring Leagues Forming - Trap and 5 stand
It is time to start thinking about the Spring Leagues. Mark your calendars for Trap and 5-Stand leagues which will begin Feb. 29. Sign Up sheets are available in the club house for teams and new trap shooters looking to join a team.
Registered Shoot - Indian Coin Shoot
Mark your calendars for our annual Indian Coin Shoot scheduled for March 23.
Give a pint; save a life
Did you know that every two seconds, someone in the United States needs blood? And that could be a neighbor, a friend or even a family member. Help fill the urgent need for blood. Our next American Red Cross blood drive is scheduled for Monday, April 15. Generous donors, including many EGC members, have helped our club be a great partner with Red Cross to save lives in our area. Come be part of that partnership. Click here to schedule your appointment today. Walk-ins are welcome too.
Membership memos
Renewal membership cards are not mailed out. Please stop by the club and pick up your membership card at the counter.
We've had great interest in our discounted multi-year membership renewals. They remove the annual question: "Is my membership due?" There are both 2-year ($240) and 3-year ($355) options. Send in your check or stop by the club to take advantage of them. If you would like to renew for one-year, remember you can do so with credit and debit cards from home. Just go to our website. There are links to the on-line portal both on the home page and the membership page. It's quick and simple. Your renewal month is listed on the front of your membership card; give it a look every so often so you don't become delinquent with your dues.
That's all for now. Hope to see you at the club!
-The EGC Board of Directors